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Different Types of Painting
& the Brushes to Use

You’ve picked out your colors, bought the paint, and now you’re ready to dive into your next project. But you still have another important decision to make: What types of paint brushes will you use?

How to Choose the Right Paintbrush

This may come as a surprise, but not every paint brush is right for every job. You can’t pick up a flat 3-inch brush and expect it to help you refurbish that old dresser. You can’t grab a precision brush and hope to paint your living room. In this article, we are going to dive into some painting projects that you might be considering, and provide our expert opinion on what brush is best for the job!

Below you’ll learn about the best paint brushes to use for painting stair railings, window frames, molding, next to trim, wall corners, and hard-to-reach areas.

Stair Railings

One of the easiest ways to freshen up your home is to paint your stair railings and balusters (also known as spindles.) Don’t over complicate the process by picking up any old brush. If you want to work efficiently, grab a Trim Paintbrush for the railings, and a Round Paintbrush for the curved spindles and details. The angled Trim brush will cover more easily than a foam roller and will reduce the need to go back for touch ups. The Round brush was specifically designed to easily conform around curved surfaces and ornate detail work, providing controlled paint coveragePainting square balusters? Then the Square Paintbrush is what you’ll need, since it’s perfect for narrow surfaces.

Windows, Ledges and Narrow Molding

When attacking a project that has a narrow surface area, it can be so easy to make a mess with the wrong brush. Ditch the tape with the Square Paintbrush, which has a 1” brush head that fits most window mullions, narrow molding, and even flat edges. Plus, the filament design means you’ll maximize pick up and paint release, resulting in fewer drips.

Next to Trim

Redoing a room in your home and dreading having to tape up all the trim? You won’t need to do that if you choose the right brush for this project. The Cut In Paintbrush has a patented V-shape design to allow you to paint smoothly with precision alongside trim and other surfaces like furniture and cabinets. And whether you’re a lefty or a righty, or if you need to flip between either side of the trim or wall, the double-sided shape allows you the freedom you need to get the job done.

Wall Corners

With a regular flat brush you’d likely need to double back to the corners of the room to get the coverage you need. Using a roller? Then you can just forget about those corners altogether. But with the Triangle Paintbrush the corners will be a breeze. In just one stroke, you’ll be able to paint those pesky corners with precision and accuracy. This brush is also great for raised panels, detail molding, slanted surfaces, and cutting in next to trim to reach areas your roller can’t.

Hard-to-Reach Areas

If you’re sprucing up the insides of drawers or have to reach around to get the paint just right, a long brush handle will likely make things more difficult. The Palm Pro Paintbrush has a handle that was designed to be an extension of your hand. It’s perfect for better control and tight spaces. 


The delicate process of painting molding is too difficult for a roller or flat brush to handle. Enter the Fan Paintbrush. It was designed to paint all shapes and sizes of molding with speed and fluidity. The length of this brush’s bristles were optimized with a tapered design to hug around unique shapes and crevices. 

When you’re done with your project, be sure to properly clean your paint brushes so that they last!

And don’t forget to tag Zibra when you post about your newly-painted project on social media, using @zibrapainting, and join our mailing list to learn more tips and tricks.

Great for detail work
Detail Paintbrush Kit - 5 Piece
Great for detail work
Best of Zibra Paintbrush Kit-5 piece

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