Free Shipping $35+

Spindles & Curved Surfaces

Round Paintbrush

Large pack out for anything round or cylindrical and any ornate details
Large pack out for anything round or ...
Size: 1 in.
Molding & Routed Edges

Fan Paintbrush

Designed to hug unique shapes & crevices in a multitude of different molding shapes
Designed to hug unique shapes & crevi...
Size: 1 in.
Windows & Ledges

Square Paintbrush

Narrow width with large filament pack out providing smooth finish and fewer dips
Narrow width with large filament pack...
Size: 1 in.
Corners & Raised Panels

Triangle Paintbrush

Paints corners with precision & accuracy, great for cutting in next to trim (+ around electrical outlets)
Paints corners with precision & accur...
Size: 1.25 in.
Grooves & Ornate Detail

Pointed Round Paintbrush

Just the right amount of paint and control for detail crevices
Just the right amount of paint and co...
Size: 1 in.
NEW! Artist Brushes

Not-So-Square Paintbrush Trio - Square 3 piece set

3 piece artist paintbrush set ideal for small home projects, murals, and detail painting on furniture; includes reusable storage tube
3 piece artist paintbrush set ideal f...
NEW! Artist Brushes

Trifecta - Triangle Paintbrush 3 piece set

3 piece artist paintbrush set ideal for small home projects, murals, and detail painting on furniture; includes reusable storage tube
3 piece artist paintbrush set ideal f...
Sold Out
NEW! Artist Brushes

Bundle & Save : Not-So-Square Set & Trifecta Triangle Set

3 piece artist paintbrush set ideal for small home projects, murals, and detail painting on furniture; includes reusable storage tube
3 piece artist paintbrush set ideal f...
$40.50 $43.00
Sold Out
$40.50 $43.00
NEW! Artist Brushes

Artist Brush Set of 3 - 1/4" Square Brushes

3 piece square artist paintbrush set ideal for murals, canvas painting and crafts; includes reusable zipper storage pouch.
3 piece square artist paintbrush set ...

Find Your Perfect Brush: Detail 

For detailed work around the house, you need detail paint brushes designed specifically for the task at hand. At Zibra, we offer the best paint brush for furniture detailing, the best paint brush for edging, and more. Find the right paint brush for any and every detailing project.

Molding and Routed Edges

Our fan paintbrush is designed for molding and flat surfaces. The fan shaped bristles are designed to easily paint flat surfaces, moldings, or unique rounded shapes. Whatever the shape of your project, the fan brush will have unparalleled paint pick up with smooth release.  

Spindles and Curved Surfaces 

For painting spindles and curved surfaces, you need a round paintbrush. Zibra’s round paint brush can quickly and easily cover large round or cylindrical surfaces with paint. This versatile brush also works on ornate details.
Corners and Raised Panels

Painting corners and raised panels is no easy task. Fortunately, our triangle paintbrush is perfectly designed to enable you to paint corners with precision and accuracy. Our corner paint brush is also a great trim paint brush and can be used to cut in next to trim or around electrical outlets. You get a clean-cut line with this detail paint brush.

Windows and Ledges

For painting windows and ledges you need a square paintbrush. Zibra’s square paintbrush has a narrow width but a large filament pack. This helps you get a smooth finish with fewer drips when painting your windows, ledges, and other flat surfaces.

Grooves and Ornate Detail 

pointed round paintbrush is the best paint brush for small details and crevices. If you have too much paint it can overwhelm the small area. With this round paintbrush, you get just the right amount of paint each time to better control how the surface area is covered.

Find Your Detail Paint Brushes at Zibra

A single paint brush will not work for every project, especially when it comes to detailing work. If you need high-quality detail paint brushes that are designed to optimize your painting experience, you’ve come to the right place. If you aren’t sure why you should buy our brushes, read about The Zibra Difference. We put a great deal of thought into how our paint brushes are designed so you only get the best results. And if you still need more proof, check out our customer reviews.

For painting projects that require more than our detail paint brushes, we have a variety of other brushes available. From large surface paint brushes to top coat paint brushes, we can help you determine which paint brush is right for you. Take our Brush Finder Quiz, and we will recommend the best brush for your project. Shop our collection of the best detail paint brushes today!

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