The Best Tools for Outdoor Murals
When it comes to my mural projects, I am in LOVE with Tomorrow’s Artist paints! Their paint is not only high-quality, but it’s actually made from recycled paint, so they are eco-friendly. It comes in the creamier standard-body and the heavy body, which offers more of a textured look. At home, I typically prefer oil paints for my canvases. However, acrylic paints tend to work better on outdoor spaces and last much longer.
Zibra brushes are also a MUST for my outdoor murals or large-scale projects. They have become a pivotal part of my painting process. Zibra has a wide variety of brushes that are unlike any other company’s. It seems as though they have a brush for every type of surface you may encounter! On my most recent project, one of the facades of my project building was constructed with stucco. The extremely rough material adds up to a lot of extra surface area, but my savior was Zibra’s rounded Oval and Wax brush. Their Precision Cut-In brush and Not-So-Square brushes were also used extensively to complete the project: a three-sided multi-level storage facility with stucco and metal siding. The square brushes were an absolute DREAM to use on the metal siding; I could not get over how much easier they made my job!
Why the Right Supplies Matter When Painting Outdoor Murals
If I could give some tips to those who want to start painting murals, I’d first suggest investing in some good supplies: there’s a reason I’m advocating for Tomorrow’s Artist paints and Zibra brushes!
A projector can also be helpful on most projects because it ensures accuracy and saves you the hassle of drawing a grid. This is a luxury that’s not typically possible on larger projects so if you have the opportunity to use a projector, then do it! I’ll use Procreate to digitally draw my murals on an iPad and project them onto the wall. Projecting my own digital artwork saves me time, stress, and ensures the customer receives the product they signed off on. The projector doesn’t need to be extremely expensive, either. The $100 one I bought from Amazon does the job.
I also always have at least one big bag of rags in my car, and I cut up old towels for the same purpose. For me, organization really allows my work-flow to function. If you were to look in my trunk, you’ll find a laundry basket with all of my art supplies separated into different bag compartments.
One tool that I tend to overlook is my spray gun -- that thing has saved my life! If you have big, solid-colored areas you need to fill in then the spray gun can be your savior. The amount of time and energy I’ve saved by utilizing a spray gun for these situations is immeasurable (but don’t forget to wear a mask!)
The Importance of Prepping Your Surfaces
Another often overlooked aspect of painting murals is simply prepping the surface. Some walls are so old and dirty that you have to make sure they are thoroughly cleaned prior to starting. Otherwise, you may notice variations in shading or the inability for the paint to stick to the wall at all! Speaking of consistent color, get resealable containers. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve created an ideal color only to have to waste it at the end of the day and have to try to recreate it the next!
Other Supplies to Have On-Hand for Outdoor Murals
I always keep at least a few water bottles with me so I can cycle out my brush water as I work. It is essential to change out the brush water a few times a day so that your colors don’t get muddy looking if you need to use one brush for multiple colors.
If you have to use some sort of lift for a big project, my mom and I have a little life hack we like to use: We attach an umbrella to the lift with zip ties! This (and sunscreen) was a lifesaver in Virginia Beach’s September heat. Lastly, always pick up after yourself. I’ve made it easy on myself by keeping a stash of lawn bags in the car and one bag tied to my lift. This prevents my own expendable supplies from littering my project’s grounds, and it is just respectful to the community I get to share my art with.