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The Best Brushes for
Hand-Painted Lettering:
Tips from a Muralist

Hi Zibra Fam! This week, we’ve invited artist Susan Phan to take over our blog and give you the best tips for tackling lettering. Enjoy!

Best Brushes for Hand-Painted Lettering:

The Secret to Painting Clean, Sharp Lettering Every Time

No matter what type of lettering design I paint, Zibra has thought of all the 'write' brushes needed to pull off my range of styles precisely and dynamically. What had typically taken me longer to hand paint has now become way more efficient with the help of these legendary paintbrushes. The only thing slowing me down? Letting countless brush lettering POV moments infiltrate my camera roll... I mean, who can resist! There is nothing more satisfying than building crispy clean letterforms with every stroke, every time. And raving about it with everyone. Whether I'm fussing with serifs or obsessed with casuals, I have just the perfect brush shape and size for the job, thanks to my Zibra arsenal.

Why Every Muralist Needs a Square Brush in Their Toolkit

Once you feel the magic of the Square brush, you can never forget it. It's 'love at first pull' and there's no turning back. Leaving home without your Zibra Square is like missing your passport when you get to the airport. Every muralist can tell you this paintbrush is a staple for every installation. From upstrokes to downstrokes, this showstopper makes any paint outrun itself, releasing the smoothest, sharpest lines. Hand drawing and outlining my letters, big or small, are easier and edgier because of it. 

PRO Tip: Flip the square to the other three sides holding excess paint to create extra lettering strokes.

Maximizing Coverage and Bold Strokes with a Round Brush

The richest 'pack for your buck' is without question Zibra's Round brush. Getting the most balanced, boldest application on the first stroke lets you skip the second coat, saving you even more rounds of paint and time. Like the Square, the Round paintbrushes come in different sizes to suit various scales of design. While some muralists prefer it for outlines, many lean on it for coverage. Filling in my letters is a dream with this fluffy brush. 

PRO Tip: Apply the soft round shape for touching up any body of lettering in a feathering motion to reduce paint streak marks.

How a Triangle Brush Can Elevate Your Lettering Details

Coming in clutch for those sharp tight corners is the Triangle brush. I find this shape highly effective in producing serious serifs and script styles. If you're anything like me and you leave the background 'write' at the end after the focal letters are done first, these triangles also work wonders edging the negative spaces in between. Painting drop shadow details around my letterforms is seamless when using this pointy brush. 

PRO Tip: Just like the square, rotate the triangle to the other two sides collecting leftover paint to yield bonus lettering mileage.

Mastering Single-Stroke Lettering with the Right Tools

Let's talk about my favorite style to paint right now: single strokes! As a hopeless sign painting addict, I was super stoked when Zibra launched the Small Artist Brush Set that includes two flat-edge sizes 'just write' for achieving effortless casual strokes. I cannot say enough how proud these have made signwriting enthusiasts in bringing this vintage artform back to life with a modern twist. I also really enjoy the Chiseled Wedge for painting thicker block letters consistently, stroke by stroke. 

PRO Tip: Layer in finishing touches and clean up any lettering edge or curve with the angled Muralist and Artist paintbrushes.

Choosing the Best Brushes to Bring Your Lettering to Life

Because every stroke of a paintbrush is a decision that impacts the quality of your mural or sign, having the 'write tools' makes all the difference. Zibra brushes don’t just keep up with my lettering demands -- they level up my creative possibilities, project after project. Whether it's precision, coverage, or versatility; these fascinating paintbrushes have earned their place in my heART. If you're a muralist or sign painter inspired to refine the look, feel, and story behind your design — trust me when I promise you Zibra is the real deal. 

FINAL Tip: Be stingy with your time, not your brushes!

Hand Typed, Painted, Signed,

Susan Phan @phantype
Phantype Lettering Designs

Great for detail work
Square Paintbrush
Great for detail work
Bundle & Save- 3 Artist Sets (sm, med, lg)

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