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Top 2024 Furniture Design Trends

2024 is proving to be quite the year for furniture design. With a mix of classic elegance and contemporary flair, the new world of furniture design is not your grandma’s style. Check out our favorite emerging trends that are sure to shape the landscape of interior aesthetics this year.

Photo Credit: Matthis Home

2024 Furniture Design Trends

1. Soft Geo Prints

In 2024, soft geometric prints take center stage, with a subtle yet captivating visual appeal. From cushions to upholstery, expect to see furniture adorned with gentle geometric patterns that add a touch of modern sophistication to any space.Photo Credit: @lifestyledco

2. Pastels and Warm Colors

Say goodbye to the stark and embrace the warmth of pastels and rich, warm colors. Furniture pieces in soft blush, muted sage, and earthy tones are set to dominate interiors, creating inviting and comforting atmospheres. And you’ll want to make sure you’re using the right tools, like the Zibra Furniture Paintbrush Kit.

Photo credit:

3. Teal Greens

A standout color trend for 2024 is the resurgence of teal greens. This rich and versatile hue effortlessly bridges the gap between classic and contemporary, resulting in a sense of freshness and vibrancy in furniture design.Photo credit:

4. Blue Is Back

Blue makes a triumphant return, emerging in various shades to complement diverse design aesthetics. From deep navy to sky blue, this timeless color trend adds a sense of calm and versatility to furniture pieces.Photo credit:@steelbirchstudios

5. Now and Then: Mixing Antiques with Modern Pieces

Blend the best of both worlds by combining antique and modern furniture pieces. This eclectic approach creates a dynamic space that tells a story of timeless design.Photo credit: @newlifefurnituredesigns

6. Scalloping Details

Delicate scalloping details adorn furniture edges and surfaces. This trend adds a touch of whimsy and elegance, transforming ordinary pieces into works of art. To paint this detail with ease, try using a Zibra Round Paintbrush.

Photo credit:@mycurahome

7. Sustainability: High Quality and Repurposing

In 2024, sustainability takes the spotlight with a focus on high-quality materials and repurposing. Furniture crafted from eco-friendly materials and pieces designed for longevity align with the growing commitment to environmentally conscious living.@bluewreninteriors

8. Mixing Metals

Say goodbye to the notion of sticking to one metal finish. 2024 encourages the artful mixing of metals, allowing brass, gold, silver, and copper to happily coexist. This trend invites creativity and adds depth to furniture design.Photo Credit: @lifestyledco

Keep an eye out for these furniture design trends as the year goes on, and let them inspire you as you tackle your furniture projects with confidence. Don’t forget to share your projects with us on social media, using @zibrapainting and inspire others on their painting journey! Want more tips and tricks? Sign up for our mailing list.

Great for detail work
Furniture Paintbrush Kit - 4 Piece
Great for detail work
Round Paintbrush

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