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Ghoulish Ghosts

Make the cutest Ghoulish Ghosts with only a few affordable supplies! They look great as a centerpiece on your dining table, styled on the coffee table or even on your book shelf. 

DIY Ghoulish Ghosts

Supplies you will need:

Total Cost: $12/modeling clay + $1/paint 

Start with your rolling pin to roll out your clay. three different height items to use as molds for your ghosts. Anything around the house will work just fine. For example, we used a juice box here and added a ball of tape up top to form a round head. 

Next, grab your parchment paper and place over the objects you are using to form your ghosts. Then, take your modeling clay and form over the object/parchment paper as shown here. You may need to remove some of the excess clay around the bottom of the ghost.

Then using your straw, poke holes in the wet clay to create the eyes and mouth of the ghosts. Let the clay dry for 3 days.

Once your clay is completely dry you're ready for the last and final step. Using your Zibra Fan brush paint (generously) each ghost. You may need 2 coats of paint depending on how thick you apply the paint. Let dry between coats.

We hope you enjoyed this step by step DIY to making your own Ghoulish Ghosts. If you make your own, tag us on Instagram @zibrapainting or use the hashtag #zibrainspo. We love to see what you create! 

Follow us on Instagram for more DIY inspo and pin the image below on Pinterest to refer back to. 

Happy Crafting! 

- Brie @ the Zibra Crew

Great for detail work
Fan Paintbrush
Great for detail work
Best of Zibra Paintbrush Kit-5 piece

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